Wednesday, August 24, 2005


By Toney Atkins

I was stunned to get a response from an individual who indicated that sharing my feelings about my father's illness and subsequent death this week has been a ploy for attention, sympathy and even financial gain!!! Needless to say, I would be insulted if the suggestion were not so ridiculous, outrageous and even rather shocking, especially since it was coming from someone who claims to be a Christian.

I shouldn't even respond to such nonsense, so I'll address the intelligent readers who may wonder why I've been addressing such a personal and sensitive issue as my father's sickness and spiritual departure to a better world.

Many of you have shown extreme unselfish kindness in taking a few moments of your busy life to think of Dad and me, and I appreciate that more than you know.

I've shared some of my thoughts because I know many others have gone through the same thing or are suffering illnesses today that may threaten their own lives.

I'll soon be writing about hope and the miracles that I've witnessed and experienced during the past few months of Dad's illness -- proof of God's love and spiritual healing that I pray will inspire the sick and those who care for and about them; and about the peace, not pain or fear, when one approaches and enters death's door.

There's one sure thing about life, and that's death. It comes to all of us, young and old, and it would be great if we could all appreciate life (and I'm including myself here), not only when we're sick, but when we're in the best of health as well.

I don't apologize for sharing the new closeness that Dad and I had never had before this year. I don't apologize if I've often seemed maudlin or even morbid. I share my thoughts because I want to, and as we all do in life, the reader can take them or leave them, with my blessings. I certainly don't apologize for sharing the fact that I've found that LOVE TRULY WORKS!

It has been a trying time, but I thank God for it and for those who care (and even those who don't give a darn).

I love you all, whether you want me to or not. I pray God's richest blessings upon you and one more time I say, "Thank you!"


Have you told a veteran of any war how much you appreciate the job they did? Why not do it today? Meanwhile, continue to SPREAD LOVE and check out my not-for-profit, something-for-everyone web site: .

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