Friday, May 05, 2006


By Toney Atkins

Stop the presses! I have found agreement with President Bush on some issues.

First, I firmly support his statement that if an immigrant wants to be an American citizen, he or she should sing the National Anthem in English and learn to speak the English language as Americans do.

I also agree that there are far too many "pork" issues for lawmakers' desires that should be in a separate money bill but are currently attached to a bill providing funding for our fighting men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan and for the recovery from Hurricane Katrina. Let Congress try to destroy the environment and rip our pocketbooks at the same time on another occasion -- and I'm sure they will.

On the issue of illegal aliens, I still believe that ILLEGAL means just that -- unlawful. If our lawmakers should give blanket amnesty to all illegal immigrants from Mexico and elsewhere, they might as well give amnesty to anyone else who has broken the law in any form or fashion.

I am not against legal immigration. I know a number of fine people of Hispanic and other foreign heritage who are wonderful additions to the United States. I have even found some of those living in the South to be the nicest, most courteous people I've ever met, going so far as to be helpful when so-called friends who call themselves American citizens ignored or blatantly refused me. For them, I say, "God bless America, and welcome!"

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