Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dog with coffee has huge bugged-out eyes in viral photo

Dog with coffee has huge bugged-out eyes in viral photo

From MSN Now

Toney Atkins comments: You should have seen the Chihuahua that lapped down more than half a glass of wine as I rested the glass on the sofa beside me. Poor old thing, which had some movement problems anyway, staggered, turned a flip, staggered some more and eventually got into its bed and went fast asleep. Scared me to death. I thought I had killed it, and from readings since, I've learned that it may be funny to give your pets beer or other alcoholic beverages and watch their reactions, but it can also severely damage their kidneys and even kill them. So, please don't do it. (Feed them coffee and bacon. JUST KIDDING! There go my chances to be a member of the Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals.)

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