Friday, July 12, 2013

MY FI, WI-FI --Health Issue and Wi-Fi Woes May Limit Posts


     Due to several immediate and impending issues, I may not be able to keep my blogs as up to date as I would like, at least for what I hope will be a short time.
     The Wi-Fi at my apartment complex is experiencing serious problems, and I have no idea as to when it might be repaired.
     On a more personal level, my doctor has discovered through some tests that my kidneys are suffering some disconcerting problems. I have another test on Monday, an MRI, I think it is (I haven't watched "House" lately, so I am not up to date on medical machines). I then have an appointment with a kidney specialist. The problem is obviously more than an infection, but I'm praying it can be fixed. Your prayers would be appreciated, too. (I have brought this potential problem up to my doctor and physician assistants for more than a year, but it took something that showed up in blood work to get them to take action.)
      Meanwhile, I will update my blogs and web site ( whenever possible, and I hope you will continue to visit. (I'm delighted to report that two of my blogs, What I Think About That and The World Around Me, have both passed the 20,000 page view mark, and most of those have been in the past three months. Thank you!) 

P.S. FROM TONEY ATKINS: I can be contacted at . Please type BLOG as the first word in the subject line if you write so I can make it priority reading.

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