Saturday, April 29, 2006


    Some people have understandably asked why I include links on to fund-raising organizations and if I get compensation for doing so.

    The answer to the second question is no, I receive no compensation for the links to organizations that benefit wounded troops, the families of our troops, victims of natural disasters, the homeless and needy, animals and the latest, a memorial for the heroes of the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001, potentially saving lives in Washington, DC.

    I seek no personal compensation or even praise for including these worthwhile organizations in links that are separate from the Google ads that I do permit on my site. The way I see it, these organizations are helping people (and yes, even pets) that need assistance in one form or another. It's up to the individual who goes to any site on my web page to decide if they want to or can afford to give $5 or more to help fellow human beings in these troubled times. Those of us who have not been directly impacted by any of these issues can thank the God to whom we pray and realize that the unpredictable can happen and someday we may be affected and may need some kind of help, no matter how rich or poor we may be.

    If you're like me and sometimes have to use every penny you have to support yourself and your family, the least we can do is pray for the success of all genuine humanitarian groups in the efforts to help others.

    Our prayers WILL be answered, and who knows? Our other prayers may be answered as well, simply because of an act of unselfishness.

    SPREAD LOVE AND PEACE! Tell someone you love them. They'll feel good, and you will, too! -- Toney Atkins

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