Sunday, April 23, 2006


Mood: a-ok

Some folks among us can remind us of some of life's important things in their conversations with us -- if we just listen. And other folks just say funny things I like to share. Some of the outstanding things said to me (or that I overheard while unintentionally eavesdropping) include:

--- "Life's too short. Enjoy it. ... I don't understand how people get depressed. You can find the good in any situation. (When there's a problem) get off your butt and do something about it. ... Life's too easy. People just try to screw it up." -- Name withheld by request. (Smart thinking from a sharp Southern 19-year-old working man who also attends college and serves his country.)

--- "The Garden of Eden had no condos." -- A Navy veteran, who is concerned about man's destruction of the environment and the selling of national park land to developers. He added something about how the "beautiful world of the creation of whatever God you believe in is being paved over with concrete."

--- "Politicians only come to the black community and our churches when they're looking for our votes to be elected or re-elected. They smile and shake our hands and make all kinds of promises, but then we never see them again until the next election, and they usually don't keep their promises." -- A black resident of Daytona Beach, FL.

--- "Foreigners are taking over the United States because they're willing to do the jobs that Americans think they're too good to do." -- Overheard at the Country Cafe, Rossville, GA.

--- "Americans will do any job, even some that don't pay a living wage." -- A neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous because of fears that his phone, and I quote, "might be tapped" because he disagrees with the president and his administration.

--- A woman had to have emergency surgery at the hospital. To her horror, she found herself moving through the darkness toward a bright light. Suddenly, she heard God say, "Go back. You have 40 more years." Recovering from the operation and excited and happy that she had so many years left, she went to a plastic surgeon and spent thousands on having a complete makeover. Pleased with her new look, she left the surgeon's facility, walked in front of a speeding tractor-trailer rig and was splattered all over the highway. Once she got inside the Pearly Gates, she confronted God and said angrily, "You told me I had 40 years left! -- to which God answered, "Sorry, I didn't recognize you." -- An obvious bit of humor overheard at the Country Cafe.

--- "If a politician comes up to me, says he's honest and wants me to vote for him, I'll tell him no, because I don't want to make a dishonest lawmaker out of him." -- J.S., Chattanooga, TN

--- "Don't fergit to stop and git summa that I Cain't Believe It Ain't Butter." -- An elderly man to the lady with him. (This one made soup spew from my nose at a favorite restaurant.)

--- "In 2000 and 2004, I voted for the other guy. This year, I'd just like to see every congressman and senator up for election replaced by somebody else, and in 2008, we'd better concentrate on the person addressing the real issues affecting us instead of paying attention to political ads." -- An acquaintance who says he doesn't trust any politician.

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Unknown said...

--- "To quote from a commentary (by Toney Atkins), if churches are going to be involved in politics, they should be paying their share of taxes. Individuals in churches should be involved in elections, but their votes should be based on individual opinions, not just those supported by a religious organization." -- C.A.

Anonymous said...

The young man quoted as being from the south and working and going to school and serving his country has the right idea about dealing with life and depression. He's smarter than a lot of older people I know and that includes me. Alabama Man