Thursday, January 24, 2013

How Republicans Plan To Rig The Next Presidential Election, In Six Pictures

How Republicans Plan To Rig The Next Presidential Election, In Six Pictures: pYesterday, Virginia Republicans took the first step to move a GOP plan to rig the Electoral College forward in that state. Similar plans are under consideration in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The Republican election rigging plan targets blue states that President Obama won in 2008 and 2012, and changes the way they allocate electoral votes [...]/p

Above link to story everyone should read at THINKPROGRESS.ORG

Toney comments: I will be writing more later about gun-worshipping "Christian" Republican and even Democrat politicians who are not patriotic in their efforts to control the country and literally deprive U.S. citizens of their rights and liberties. Let's face it. All this would not be happening if President Obama was white. I cannot recall a time in my life when a political party such as the Republicans would go out of their way to fight every issue, good or questionable, for the country. That's happening now because racism is out of the closet and ultimately could result in the total destruction of the United States as we have known it.

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