Thursday, January 24, 2013

NRA: Obama Is Ruining Christmas By Tracking Stolen Guns

NRA: Obama Is Ruining Christmas By Tracking Stolen Guns: pOn Tuesday night, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre offered the organization’s response to President Obama’s inaugural address and the gun safety proposals he offered earlier this month. Speaking at the Weatherby Foundation International Hunting and Conservation Award dinner in Reno, Nevada, LaPierre claimed that President Obama seeks to place “every [...]/p


Toney comments: I believe that current interpretaions of the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution are often misleading about the amendment's intent, and I find it disturbing that more Americans seem to worship guns more than they worship God. Again I ask: Will there be guns in Heaven? I agree that sane people have the American Constitutional right to have a gun, particularly in this terrible day and age when citizens have to protect themselves, their families and their properties. Also, guns are fine for hunting. However, I cannot agree that military style weapons should be available to the general public, including hunters, who I doubt intend to shoot many, many birds, deer or other animals at one time. A postscript: Despite what his critics say, President Obama has never indicated that he would have the government take away the guns of law-abiding citizens. In fact, he practically ignored the issue of gun control until the wake of massacres at a movie theatre and a school in 2012.

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