Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tea Party Congressman: Muslim Brotherhood Is Guiding Obama In Boston Bombings Investigation

Tea Party Congressman: Muslim Brotherhood Is Guiding Obama In Boston Bombings Investigation: pRep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told a conservative radio program this week that the Obama administration “bungled” the investigation of the Boston bombing due to internal guidance from the Muslim Brotherhood. Appearing on World Net Daily’s radio show, Gohmert speculated that Attorney General Eric Holder read bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights to “shut him up” [...]/p

Above story from

Comment from Toney Atkins: Give me a break! When will these right-wingers stop starting and spreading lies with no evidence ... none ... to back them up? I'd like to see their "proof" on any allegations and malicious rumors that they devise to create controversy and to stir up the radical elements in the United States. They abuse freedom of speech. They claim to be patriots, but it should be clear to any thinking person who knows how to read the definition of that word in the dictionary proves they are not guilty of patriotism, at least to the USA. A dark future lies ahead for the U.S., thanks to the people who perpetuate such conspiratorial garbage. Our enemies must be seriously amused to see our divisiveness. They will find it easy to take control of this country, because the citizens here are truly divided among themselves, destroying the country from within.

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