Saturday, April 20, 2013

THANK YOU ... By Toney Atkins

Toney Atkins writes: This is a copy of an email that I sent tonight to friends and contacts, and I want to share it with you because YOU are appreciated for coming to my blogs for breaking news, trivia, humor, occasionally controversial comments (you don't know how man "friends" I've angered and lost). Also in the archives are writings, published and unpublished, dating back to 2005. As I write this at 9:30 p.m. on April 20, I'm finding it hard to believe, even after 33 years in print journalism, that so much shocking, suspenseful and sometimes inspiring news happened within a short period that began around noon on April 15, 2013. On Sept. 11, 2001, I was stunned, somewhat frightened about what might be to come, and terribly saddened when terrorists flew jetliners filled with innocent passengers into the two World Trade Centers in New York. The adrenaline and anxiety that I felt then was magnified this week as killer blasts in two parts of the country and other events seemed to keep "Breaking News" flowing through my brain. In my sorrow for the murdered and maimed, I again found myself being thankful that I live in a country where selfless people will run to rescue others and that for a few days, at least, we can unite in a spirit of anger, fear and frustration on one hand and an overwhelming spirit of love and unity on the other. Following are the emails of gratitude that I have sent:

Across America, a week of chaos, horror and hope -- a wrap-up of tragedies across the U.S. this past week. (I wish I had written it.) Also, news, trivia and even some sorely needed humor are among the links. Thanks for making this a record-breaking week for visitors to my blogs. I just hate that so much tragic news comprised the week and news bulletins were frequent. I even hate it that a 35 year old goldfish died. I almost wish I were at the marijuana festival out west, where I understand that tragedy has even occurred there.

Vow to spread love and peace. When you see them, thank a law enforcement officer, an EMT employee, a fireman and other sometimes unexpected first responders for the work they do that often gets no appreciation. TONEY ATKINS SAYS: THANK ALL OF YOU! WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT YOU?

Also, please remember the victims and their families and friends in prayer and positive thoughts.

Continuing coverage of events in the wake of the terrorist attack and the devastating blast in Texas, along with all kinds of news, including the pot festival, at:

 Thank YOU and God bless! My love goes out to each of you.

Now, I think I'll finally try to get some sleep after six days of short naps.

Toney Atkins



********** So, then, to every man his chance -- to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining golden opportunity -- to every man his right to live, to work, to be himself, to become whatever his manhood and his vision can combine to make him -- this, seeker, is the promise of America. -- Thomas Wolfe


Followup coverage on week following the Boston Marathon attack, including a big "oops" from a reporter on live TV that he didn't know (ahem) do-do (my word, not his) about one of the many things that were going on. .

I urge my readers to call your local police, fire and EMS departments and say something like, "Thanks for the work you do." IT IS PROBABLY NOT WISE TO CALL 911 TO DO THIS BECAUSE IT MIGHT INTERFERE WITH AN EMERGENCY OR BRING THE POLICE TO YOUR DOORSTEP! Seriously, these men and women are constantly criticized and unappreciated. Who knows when a tragedy might strike our towns and we will need these people.

Spread love and peace, and thanks for visiting . I don't make any money doing this. It's just in my blood I guess to keep friends and people I don't even know informed. This week had the most page views of any time since I created the blog, so again, I humbly say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!Toney Atkins

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