Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The 8 Worst Responses To The Boston Marathon Bombings

Toney Atkins comments on the link from ThinkProgress.org: The outrageous responses given in this story reveal just how idiotic, ignorant, stupid, lying and fear-mongering many so-called Americans have become. They cannot wait for facts before they start conspiracy theories and hate speech about the president and his administration, all based on their lack of brain power and a desire to stir up disharmony in the country. I should not even give them space on my blogs, but intelligent readers need to be aware of what's being said by nutcases who would like to overthrow the country. Those folks who want to kill people cannot be Christians because they disobey several of the major commandments by bearing false witness and wanting to kill -- in this instance without knowing who was responsible for the bombings at the Boston Marathon that killed at least three and injured more than 150 people. They are the war-mongers, and they obviously don't care with whom they go to war.

From ThinkProgress.org:

The 8 Worst Responses To The Boston Marathon Bombings: pThe horror that was the aftermath of the explosions at the end of the Boston Marathon on Monday drew forth some of the best of people. With three dead and more than 100 wounded, dozens of citizens comforted and aided the injured, thousands more offered up their homes to stranded marathon runners. Such national tragedies [...]/p

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