Sunday, March 10, 2013

Asteroid 2013 ET Buzzes By Earth During Weekend Replete With Flybys

Asteroid 2013 ET Buzzes By Earth During Weekend Replete With Flybys

Toney Atkins writes: What's with all the asteroid "fly-bys" so far in 2013? Is Chicken Little running around screaming, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" as these chunks of space rocks whiz toward and (so far, except for the fireball/exploding meteor over Siberia) missing us by only a short distance in the whole scheme of things? Being a sci-fi buff who grew up with an imagination and a maze of science-fiction books, comics and movies, I wonder if I am not becoming one of those conspiracy theorists who wonders whether the scientific community, the military and the government in general aren't hiding some horrible truth from us while they build substantial underground bunkers and possibly even getaway spaceships if we indeed encounter a "When Worlds Collide" scenario? A neighbor who rarely smiles walked by me today with an even more intense frown and whispered loudly and gruffly, "It's the end of the world." If the end is nearing, I'll bet God's special effects will be far more spectacular than any movie. Unfortunately, I doubt that the event will be available on DVD the following Tuesday.

The link at the top was posted from the Huffington Post.

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